Monday, October 20, 2008

The Rusty Anchor- Pleasant Bay, Cape Breton

lobster roll While traveling the windy, twisting road of the Cabot Trail, I was 100% focused. Well, maybe 99.9%. The other .01% was focused on my stomach, and the gurgling sounds emerging from therein. It was lunch time, and I was hungry. We decided to stop at the top of the hill at a restaurant with a sunny deck overlooking the water; The Rusty Anchor, in Pleasant Bay.

There's nothing rusty about this place. The food is inventive and fresh. I was debating on a simple bowl of chowder when the lobster roll caught my eye. The menu described that it was fresh Nova Scotia lobster 'without the work". When I asked the server about this unusual description, she nonchalantly mentioned that their roll had been written up in the May/June '05 edition of National Geographic Traveller. She's a great sales lady, that server, cause I said "sold."

Honestly, I think prefer the Anchor's twist on this roll better than the classic lobster roll mix-not that I'd ever turn that down! The lobster meat wasn't in flake form, but in big pieces off the claw. Instead of the usual mix of mayo, onions and celery, this roll, featuring the naked lobster with just a hint of melted butter, truly showcased the sweet meat. My choice of coleslaw over fries was a sound one too, as the spicy cabbage made for a good crunch.

Our visit to the Rusty Anchor proved to be a great choice. We had fresh, original food, great service, and a fantastic view. On a sunny deck, with my lobster roll nicely put away, I was on top of a mountain, and feelin' on top of the world.

1 comment:

June said...

I have to say that the lobster roll at the Rusty Anchor was by far our favouite and we tried a few! You've got some great articles and great memories of Nova Scotia on your blog.