Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Nova Scotia Christmas Trees, A Tradition

A few minutes ago I asked my daughter, "what feeling do you get when you see a Christmas tree?" She simply replied, "happy!"

Christmas just wouldn't be the same without a real Christmas tree. Big or small, fat or skinny, with needles or rapidly falling ones - this over-sized air freshener brings the outdoors in and over three short weeks can add so much cheer.

Did you know that Nova Scotia is one of Canada's top three producers of Christmas trees (along with Quebec and Ontario)? Up until this year, 80 per cent of Nova Scotia's Christmas trees were exported to the United States. When I visited a tree lot the other day, a grower from the South Shore told me he cuts his trees in late October to get ready for the season.

Each year, it's tradition that a Balsam Fir from Nova Scotia is sent to Boston to become the Boston Christmas Tree. This tree is a thank you gift from the province to the people of Boston in remembrance of the city's response after the Halifax Explosion in 1917.

How we decorate a Christmas tree, we all know, is a personal choice. Many trees this year will be "green" with LED lights. It'll be a preference between multi-coloured or plain white lights or blue or red. Some trees will be professionally decorated while many will be decorated with heirloom ornaments and dough treasures our kids made in pre-school. Whether your tree is 8 feet or a table top, decorated from head to toe or only the bottom third (thanks to an overzealous toddler), every tree is beautiful. Even Charlie Brown's.

Mine definitely won't have tinsel. "What's tinsel?" my daughter asks.

Happy Christmas.

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