And the story unfolds...
A delightful bag of Chives' Signature Buttermilk biscuit arrives at the table with maple butter
w/ Jost Prost
The afore-mentioned bubbly was Jost's Prost, whose name is German for "cheers". Made from Nova Scotia's signature grape; Acadie Blanc, this fun, citrus sparkler was just the right pairing for this opening course. Cool, crisp and effervescent, the Prost's acidity was in perfect balance with the rich, buttery biscuits and smooth maple butter.
Chapter 2
Roasted squash soup with sauteed sweet corn succotash and maple balsamic drizzle
w/ L'Acadie Vineyards L'Acadie Blanc
The soup was paired with L'Acadie Vineyard's L'Acadie Blanc. The only organic winery in the province, L'Acadie is also Nova Scotia's newest. The crisp citrus tones of this wine were well suited to even-out the rich, earthy squash.
Chapter 3
Heirloom tomato salad, boccanccini cheese, 12-year aged balsamic vinegar, basil oil, fleur de sel
w/ Gasperau Vineyards Seyval Blanc
The tomato salad was paired with Gaspereau Vineyard's Seyval Blanc; a gold medal winner in the 2008 Taster's Guild Competition. With nuances of orchard flavors and a touch of honey , this semi dry wine accented the salad's bright flavors.
Chapter 4
Caramelized sea scallop on Westphelean ham, Swiss chard, wild lovage and lemon risotto
w/ Jost Eagle Tree Muscat
Chapter 5
Brown sugar cured and confit of house bacon, navy bean, kale, celery and horseradish ragout
w/ Gaspereau Vineyards Vitis
Mmmmm, bacon. And not just any bacon at that; mouth-watering, house cured bacon. The yielding meat was so tender, no knife was necessary. The spicy horseradish rounded out the sweetness of the brown sugar, while the navy beans added a lovely, creamy base for the meat.
Chapter 6
Lamb shoulder "pot roast", toasted barley pilaf, rosemary and golden beets
w/ Domaine de Grand Pre Castel Vitner's Reserve
I once overheard at a wine function that Grand Pre's Castel Vitner's Reserve was THE most full-bodied red wine to come out of Nova Scotia. I couldn't agree more. This rich, peppery wine was a wonderful compliment to the toasted, earthy barley, and brought out the sweetness in the lamb. It was also a lovely flavor pairing to the rosemary.
Chapter 7
Pumpkin cranberry brioche bread pudding, maple pumpkin compote, crystal ginger ice cream
w/ Sainte Famille Port
All of the wines featured on the menu can be found on the Winery Association of Nova Scotia at: